Monday 2 May 2011

Act 4

Interviewer: How did you feel when you found out that Romeo Montague was in love with your cousin, Juliet Capulet?

Tybalt: HATE and RAGE!!!! I wanted to go on a killing spree! ARRGGGG! Capulets and Montagues are not meant to be together. It doesn’t work that way.

Interviewer:  Tybalt, why did you feel that it was necessary to kill Mercutio?

Tybalt: That’s easy. I love to kill Montagues. They don’t deserve to live. I made it my life’s dream to rid the world of all Montagues. Now, seen, as I’m dead, I’ve left the fulfillment of my dream in the hands of Lord Capulet.
Also, Mercutio was egging me on. I thought it was necessary to teach him a lesson. No one messes with Tybalt and gets away with it!

Interviewer: In the past, you have been perceived as being the best and most dangerous fighter in Verona. Can you explain how Romeo managed to beat you?

Tybalt: It was merely a flaw. I wasn’t at my best that day. I am still the best fighter of all time. I was quite disappointed because I had spent months fantasizing ways I could kill Romeo. He got lucky, that’s all…

Interviewer: If you could go back to that day and change anything, would you??

Tybalt: To be honest, no I wouldn’t. As it turns out, Romeo is unhappier to be alive without Juliet than he would have been if I killed him. I want to cause Romeo as much pain and suffering as possible. Now Romeo and Juliet can never be together. Even if seeing Romeo suffer makes me EXTREMELY happy, I don’t understand why he is so upset. I gave him the greatest gift of all, depression. Hehehe

Interviewer: How is the after life treating you?

Tybalt: It’s quite hot down here thank you. I’m secretly plotting to overpower the devil and take control of all of Hell (ya, I’m just that awesome).