Monday 4 April 2011

Act 1-the near-death scene

There was another fight between my family and the Montagues. There was a little fight and then that damned little Benvolio loser showed up and tried to stop it. I was determined to kill him and end his pathetic peace keeping ways, but the Prince showed up before I got the chance. The Prince says that he will kill us all if we keep fighting, but I’d like to see him try and finish me off. I would destroy him in a second. My uncle had a party last night, and the little paunchy clay-brained bum-bailey snuck in. Don’t know how he managed it, but he brought some of his stupid little Montague friends to crash the party. The low life, Romeo, took a liking to my cousin, Juliet, as though he could actually have her. I was convinced that killing him was the best solution for everyone, but Capulet said that he must be endured, as though that were possible. He forgot that they don’t deserve to live, but he didn’t want a fight at his precious little party, so he let them live and continue to destroy the party, and our lives. He talks of peace, like the dumb Benvolio. You’d think they were related. The little bastard Romeo will pay dearly for his intrusion. The next party that my uncle hosts shall be Montague free, even if I have to kill every single one of them myself, and Capulet won’t side with the dead ones. If that stupid git Romeo goes near Juliet again, he shall die painfully, by my hand.


  1. This is cyber-bullying! You are a coward. Come at me Bro.

  2. Guys, calm your raging hormones, Romeo, you’re lucky I was in a good mood this time, don’t think ill let you off so willy nilly next time.

  3. Don't worry Romeo, I will come at you, with a sword and the intention to kill you, and will not leave until you're dead. Prepare yourself you coxcomb.

  4. Tybalt, emotions like that might need councilling. Are you okay my friend?

    I do agree to a certain extent. Romeo must die.
    Or is that too harsh?
    These emotions are too much to handle,
    I'm too sexy for this.


  5. Tybalt you are just an instigator and a coward! Next time back up your words.

  6. Nay you shall not speak ill of Romeo nor Benvolio! I demand your respect though you be a lumpish half-faced Capulet.

  7. hey yo. you gotta problem with me take it up with my fist so we can settle this once and for all and go pick flowers. you cant be walking arouond your west side thinking you can talk $h1t bout me and ma boyzz. k peace and love braa.

  8. Dude chiiill. Be at rest. Come get my picked flower's they're the best.

    -Friar Lawrence OUT!

  9. Nephew, keep an eye out for Juliet. If Romeo dares lay a finger on her again.... *evil torturous thoughts*

  10. Tybalt, you're terrible. I almost hate to say I am related to you, what happened to the little boy I grew up with? You weren't always this way, and I think that it is this feud that has caused you to be this way...
