Monday 11 April 2011

Act 2. There must be death...

How dare thee! Friar and nurse actually allow this marriage??? I'm pissed, as always, but more than usual! Friar must be losing his mind.... he is pretty old.... He thinks that the marriage will resolve the fight between us cool guys and those wombat Montagues. That is never going to happen!! It's impossible! Us humans, we can't live without hate, fighting and killing... well at least I can't. But seriously it’s in our nature. I will not allow this! Romeo will be dead tomorrow. I will make sure of it. I sent him a letter yesterday, challenging him to a one on one duel. He hasn't responded yet but it doesn't matter, I will force him to fight whether he likes it or not. Who's the coward now boys??? I will do as you say and put my words into action and my sword into that lover boy.

Maybe this marriage won’t be so bad. Maybe it will intensify the hate between the Capulets and those blasted Montagues. If this results in more fighting and more dying, I guess I have to say that I’m ok with it. As long as my family doesn’t get hurt in the process, then I’ll be happy, especially if I get to kill a Montague, or more. It would pain me to see my cousin, Juliet get hurt, but I can’t feel pain. I’m immune to it. Romeo is not immune to pain. I will make him feel the greatest pain he has ever felt in his life and more!!!! Muhahahaha.


  1. Efffff youuuu Romeo and Juliet will work. Be positive brosskkkii. This will help the west side east side come together :)

  2. You will be the only one dying, dying of loneliness.

  3. lolumad bro? Why all the hatin' and fightin'. Come get some herb and start rightin'. The marriage will only fix things, if you allow it.

    -Friar Lawrence OUT!

  4. Tybalt dont you think your being sort of drastic? Romeo isnt that bad, in fact he is a sweet loving man and is very nice to me. Dont hate on people so much.

  5. If you dare try and fight Romeo, I will cut you to ribbons! I will always be ready to fight filth such as yourself!

  6. GO TYBALT! Yeah man, gut that pathetic romeo

  7. Thanks uncle! And as for the rest of you, YOU ARE F**king @y4i3i234sdyrewy437834yiywerhakjshe!!!!
