Tuesday 19 April 2011

Act 3 The butterflies dance under the rainbow. :)

So there was gigantic fight, or two. Mercutio was all bathing in the street and he started a row, which is never a good idea to get into a fight with me. So we fought and I stabbed him repeatedly and violently, under his doorknob of a friend’s arm, Romeo. Unfortunately, Romeo didn’t take well to having his friend killed in front of his stupid little eyes, and decided to seek some revenge, damned bastard. He came, we fought, he won, I died. So I am telling you all of this from…down under. The climate is rather hot, which makes it a good place for raging, as you know I like to do. The dankish wagtail, Benvolio, looked upon my dead corpse and proclaimed “There lies that Tybalt.” I was defeated. Because of my death, I couldn’t slap that little miscreant for saying that. Death can be such a hassle. Have you tried avenging people when you can’t make contact with them? It is rather difficult. I have to settle with laughing silently at them as they suffer, but they will never know. My last remarks before I left this fluffy world was “Thou, wretched boy, that didst consort him here, Shalt with him hence.” I was rather enraged, as you might have guessed. I mean, this is me we’re talking about, and I was in the face of death. I saw my beautiful life flash before my eyes as his sword stroked my heart. Death is painful. I do believe that I said something along the lines of “Boy this shall not excuse the injuries that thou hast done for me” before I died. I suffered. I fear I may have gone soft in my death, but where is the fun in being raging when there is no one to hurt and scare? Thoughts of unicorns often float through my mind. They like to have tea with the bunnies. While the butterflies dance under the rainbow.
but in this case it is.


  1. Whoever invented this "interwebs" thing also made it available to communicate with the dead?! This is a miracle!
    Oh Tybalt, we've missed you. :'D


    PS: You went to hell? That sucks man. I can assure you I'll be going to heaven. I'm too beautiful for hell.
    Have fun!

  2. B1tch Pl3ase.

    Tybalt you hag face thou are verry dank!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Serves you right! Your days of stirring the pot are done. You should have watched your tongue and subsequently your arms. You've now exiled my boy romeo, causing a cascade of problems. Damn you, even deeper than hell.

    -Friar Lawrence OUT!

  5. Thank god you received a punishment other than death. Why did you stab poor Mercutio under Romeos arm you coward? That is the most unforgiving act of all. Have fun down under while I laugh at your Capulet family. Try and avenge this
    ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´

  6. May your sins keep you company in hell, for you are not undeserving. I would need the eyes of an eagle to see you down there!

    P.S. thou art a wayward half-faced scut.


  8. Oh Dear Tybalt! I miss you dearly , I hope you are having a good time down there, you were the best man ever, and you were filled with just so much joy and life. You won't be forgotten <3

    xoxoxo nurse,

  9. Filled with joy? What drugs are you on because I want some!!!!
